Anne Bright

Anne Bright

Anne Bright Writing the Mind Alive with Proprioceptive Writing Recorded May 14 2020 Proprioceptive Writing is a meditative writing practice that teaches you how to turn towards your thoughts and feelings with the kind of benevolent attention that allows you to learn...
Gregg Levoy

Gregg Levoy

Gregg Levoy What’s Your New Normal Going to Look Like: A Free Introduction Recorded April 8 2021 Now that a vaccine has finally shown up for the coronavirus, it’s based on the following wisdom (which is the basis of the entire science of immunology): we...
Sara and Thomas Stout

Sara and Thomas Stout

Sara and Thomas Stout Check out Sara and Thomas Stout’s upcoming program Couples Date Night: Come and Play with Your Lover. Pleasurable Tantric Survival Tools Recorded May 17 2020 You possess incredible resilience, spirit, and a power to relax and find pleasure....