Sherri Mitchell and Tim DeChristopher
Dig Deeper:
Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change a recorded program by Sherri Mitchell
Indigenous Oral Tradition and the Sacred Science of Sound by Sherri Mitchell
To Live and Love with a Dying World by Tim DeChristopher.
Going to Ground: Finding Our Way Home
Please join Sherri and Tim for an open and heartfelt discussion about the journeys that they have taken to align their professional and personal lives with some critically needed shifts in our culture. They will discuss the choices that they’ve made to refocus their work toward a deepening spiritual relationship with the land. They will also share stories of their unexpected departure from their own established roles and patterns of engaging with society and will reveal how this personal movement led them to a more joyful and grounded way of engaging with our tragically wounded world and with one another.
Ancestral Guidance to Heart-Based Wisdom: An Online Class
Many indigenous ancestral prophecies predicted this present time of upheaval, but they did more than provide a warning. These ancient teachings of Native Americans also provided a map, one that can lead people back into alignment with all that truly matters. In this free online program Sherri will introduce you to these prophecies and to the path provided by her ancestors that could restore the earth to wholeness. Sherri will also answer your questions about the retreat to be held online in October.

Sherri Mitchell
Sherri Mitchell (Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset) is a Native American attorney, teacher, and award-winning activist who grew up on the Penobscot Indian Reservation (Indian Island), Maine, and she is the author of Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change. She is an Indigenous Rights attorney and the executive director of the Land Peace Foundation, an organization dedicated to the protection of Indigenous land and water rights and the Indigenous way of life. Mitchell is the organizer behind “Healing the Wounds of Turtle Island,” a global healing ceremony that rises out of the Wabanaki Prophecy of the Reopening of the Eastern Gate. Her work is featured in the documentary film “Dancing with the Cannibal Giant.”

Tim DeChristopher
Tim DeChristopher, environmental activist and co-founder of Peaceful Uprising and the Climate Disobedience Center, is widely known for disrupting a Bureau of Land Management auction in order to protect over 150,000 acres of public lands in Utah. He spent nearly two years in prison for this action, despite the Obama Administration later determining that the auction was illegal. Following prison, Tim attended Harvard Divinity School believing that his conviction was reflective of a larger moral crisis in this country. Tim has used his many platforms to highlight the urgency of the climate crisis and to call for bold action to create a just and healthy world. He currently lives in Maine where he continues to work on climate issues and to help rebuild connections to the Earth through regenerative farming.