Clark Strand
Check out Clark Strand’s articles:
The Strange Humor of Haiku
Plop!: On Bashō’s Most Famous Haiku
Haiku and the Art of Play
Whatever You Can Get Away With In 17 Syllables: An Introduction to Haiku
Recorded June 3 2020
Written by millions of people worldwide in almost every language, haiku is the most popular poetic form in the world today. But what is a haiku exactly? How do we write one? And how do we share our haiku with others? In this one-hour webinar, Poet and Master Teacher Clark Strand will explain the origins of haiku and guide us through the basics with an emphasis on writing haiku as a poetic art form that is at once accessible and endlessly challenging—making it well suited for children and accomplished poets alike.
Clark Strand
Clark is an ex-Rinzai Zen Buddhist monk and a former senior editor of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. His books include Seeds from a Birch Tree: Writing Haiku and the Spiritual Journey and The Wooden Bowl: Simple Meditation for Everyday Life, as well as the recently published Way of the Rose, written with Perdita Finn. Clark leads HAIKU—The Master Class and sponsors a popular Weekly Haiku Challenge on Facebook.