Edward Espe Brown

Check out Edward Espe Brown’s articles, Rules to Live By and Why Wait to Meditate? Coffee to the Rescue.

Getting Out of Our Heads: An Hour With Edward Espe Brown

Recorded September 16, 2022

“You miss the garden,
because you want a small fig from a random tree…
Let yourself be silently drawn
by the stronger pull of what you really love.”

In our heads we can obsess about what’s good or bad, who’s right or wrong, what to chase after or stay away from. The ideas which we invest in can be fascinating or ever-so-important. When we are enmeshed in these endlessly compelling or compulsive thoughts, we may become stressed or sleepless. Brief moments of resolution are often followed with new entanglements.

How about taking a break together and spending a few minutes getting out of our heads?

Edward Espe Brown

Edward Espe Brown

Edward Espe Brown began Zen practice and cooking in 1965 and was ordained as a priest by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi in 1971. His teaching style is both light-hearted and penetrating, incorporating poetry and story-telling. In addition to writing The Tassajara Bread Book, The Complete Tassajara Cookbook, and No Recipe, he is the editor of Not Always So, Zen lectures by Suzuki Roshi. The Most Important Point, a collection of Edward’s lectures, was published last year. He is the subject of the critically acclaimed movie How to Cook Your Life and also leads workshops on Liberation Through Handwriting and Mindfulness Touch.