Ed Tick, Kate Dahlstedt and Charlie Pacello: Restoring the Soul After War: A Virtual Memorial Day Retreat
In the tradition of the ancient warrior practice of annual sacred gatherings for restoring spirit, we invite you to join us on-line to restore the true meaning of Memorial Day. In virtual ceremony, teaching and sharing we will gather to heal our relationships to the fallen, bring meaning to tragedy, reflect on the impact war and military service have had on all of us, and bless our losses. Honoring the original meaning of Memorial Day, this is for all who wish to heal the effect of war on themselves, their families, and our nation. Dr. Ed Tick and Kate Dahlstedt, founders of Soldier’s Heart, have officiated Memorial Day retreats at Rowe for five years.
Ed Tick is an internationally recognized educator, author and expert on the military, veterans, PTSD, Vietnam, and the psychology, spirituality and history of global trauma, warrior traditions, and military-related issues. For four decades he has conducted trainings, retreats and workshops across the country and overseas at major Department of Defense and Veteran Administration facilities and at colleges, universities, hospitals, health care and community centers across the country, and overseas. Ed co-founded the nonprofit Soldier’s Heart, Inc. with his partner Kate Dahlstedt and for 13 years served as its director. He now consults internationally on these issues. In addition to War and the Soul, Ed is the author of the books Sacred Mountain, The Practice of Dream Healing, Wild Beasts and Wandering Souls, and Warrior’s Return, as well as the poetry collections The Bull Awakening and The Golden Tortoise.
Kate Dahlstedt, M.A, has worked with veterans and their families for over 27 years. She founded Soldier’s Heart with her husband and partner Dr. Edward Tick, and she directed the Soldier’s Heart Military Families Project and Athena’s Shield for Women Project, connecting women from around the country through teleconferencing for support and to share the impact of war on their lives. She provides consultation, training, supervision and advanced education to other professionals and clergy, organizations, communities and colleges on veterans’ emotional and spiritual concerns. Kate holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology as well as post-graduate certification from the Hartford Family Institute. She has maintained a private practice for nearly three decades, is an experienced group leader, and has additional clinical experience in sexual assault, Hospice and college counseling. She is a published writer of journal articles, poetry and anthology chapters and has also been an adjunct professor at Russell Sage College in Troy, NY.
Charlie Pacello is a self-help teacher, life coach, actor, and humanitarian. An Air Force veteran and graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Charles provides individuals and groups the tools they need to heal, renew, and transform. He lives in Denver and currently hosts the popular radio/TV show ‘The Council’ which broadcasts live on www.KUHSdenver.com to listeners all around the globe.