Mark S. Burrows: Cultivating Awe in Your Life: A Four Part Online Course
Check out Mark Burrows’ article, Seeing the World As If For the First Time.
Awe is easy for children, they experience it naturally. Unless cultivated through conscious action, it gets much harder the longer you live.
This four part online retreat will lead you to reconnect to what T.S. Elliot called a “grace of sense”, a dimension of experience that opens you to beauty even in the empty spaces of your life.
Supported by the voices of poets, ancient and modern, Mark will lead you through a series of exercises and reflections to engage the resilience you carry within yourself to glimpse the truth that mystery lies within what we think of as “ordinary.” Among your guides will be Rumi and Rilke, Meister Eckhart, Hafiz, Kei Miller, Mary Oliver, and Lao Tzu, who insisted that both the surfaces and depths of our lives beckon us to a sense of awe, and “if name be needed, wonder names them both:/ From wonder into wonder existence opens.”