Warrior’s Gathering: A Veteran’s Day Mini Retreat for All
Registration remains open until the event starts at 12pm EST today, even though the top of the page says Event Expired. Sorry for the confusion.
Veteran’s Day is the traditional Armistice Day, a time set aside after World War I to contemplate the costs of war and work together for its end. We experience the ravages of war and violence everywhere today and that dream of war’s end has not come true. We invite you to join us for a mini-retreat on this sacred day. Through song, story, teachings, ceremonies and rituals, and small and large group work, we will together honor all who have served and sacrificed, witness and heal each other’s wounds, and transform the legacy of war and warriorhood toward the practice of peace and healing for all.
As with all our paid programs, recordings will be shared with registered participants, with a time limit and restrictions on sharing.