WTF!: Skill Set Winter 2021 Online Retreat for Young Adults 20-30
Read India’s articles on Centerpost, A Year Like No Other: Lessons for the New Year.
A core goal of the Rowe Center’s Skill Set Retreat has always been to help better prepare young people for life after school, sharing skills, reflections, and suggestions for how best to navigate the world around us. And yet, as we face a global pandemic, widespread climate disasters, continuing racial and social injustices, and so many more crises, many of us are likely feeling woefully unprepared for how to deal with the uncertainty and anxiety of the current moment. And so, for our very first ever completely virtual Skill Set Retreat, we are coming together to ask WTF??? Come online with us to connect and learn (and hopefully think up lots of funny things that WTF could also stand for). We will be talking about all of the things happening around us and to us, how we are processing everything (or not), and how we can take care of ourselves and each other while still working to build a future and a world we believe in. There will be workshops on topics such as self-care, prison abolition, and quarantine cooking. What would you like to offer?
Please check out our dedicated Skill Set website for the full schedule, more info on past retreats and what’s upcoming.
As with our other paid programs, upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link and password to access recordings. Recordings will be posted at that link within a day or two following each session.
INDIA ADAMS AND CHELSEA ROSE-PULITZER return for their second year as Skillset Co-Directors and bring a wealth of knowledge with them. India, a graduate of Boston University, works for Oxfam America. She is a long time leader in Rowe’s many youth programs and is passionate about human rights, gender justice, and creating social and political change. Chelsea, a graduate of Hampshire College and long time co-director of the Rowe Junior High Camp, is excited to share her lifetime of experience with her home away from home. With everything she takes on, Chelsea promises to be responsible, compassionate, and playful! Check out the Skill Set website for full bios!