Gathering of Warriors: Charlie Pacello and Chuck Blocher, Sessions in 2022
Learn about and join us for the next Gathering of Warriors.
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded September 28 2022
We will be doing the same work around moral injury June-September (see previous sessions). In September we will finish the Situation and wrap the whole discussion up with our individual stories around moral injury.
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded August 30 2022
Due to low participation this month, we have postponed the next installment of our moral injury discussions to September. Enjoy this August Gathering!
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded July 26 2022
We will be doing the same work around moral injury June-September (see June session below). In July we will finish the Person, and then work on Organization, and then introduce the Situation.
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded June 28 2022
This month, we are going to explore moral injury: what it is, and what it entails, be it for a situation, a person, an organization, or a country, and how these four elements interact with each other. We will spend time exploring cases that touch all three of these areas, with the intention of getting you to think about the ways in which moral injury has influenced your life.
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded April 26 2022
Many warriors struggle with being able to form healthy, reciprocal relationships with partners and the people in their lives. Over the February and April sessions, we’re going to dive deep into this and try to understand what’s really going on.
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded March 29 2022
Our topic for discussion is the War in Ukraine. After months of speculation as to whether or not Russia would invade after amassing approximately 150,000 troops along Ukraine’s border, on Feb. 24th, Vladimir Putin gave the order for his “special military operation”. As a group, we will dive into the history of Ukraine; learn about the mystical politics of Aleksandr Dugin, considered by many to be “Putin’s Brain”, whose 1997 book, Foundations of Geopolitics advocates for a new Russian empire termed ‘Eurasia’; and finally, we will discuss the incredible bravery and heroics of the Ukrainian people as they fight for their land and country, the 3 million refugees who’ve fled, the remarkable leadership of Volodymyr Zelensky, and how the world has changed in the last 4 weeks.
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded February 22 2022
Many warriors struggle with being able to form healthy, reciprocal relationships with partners and the people in their lives. Over the February and April sessions, we’re going to dive deep into this and try to understand what’s really going on.
A Gathering Of Warriors During Global Crisis
Recorded January 25 2022
Charlie Pacello
Charlie Pacello is a self-help teacher, life coach, actor, and humanitarian. An Air Force veteran and graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Charles provides individuals and groups the tools they need to heal, renew, and transform. He lives in Denver and currently hosts the popular radio/TV show ‘The Council’ which broadcasts live on to listeners all around the globe.
Chuck Blocher
Chuck Blocher was a Captain in the US Air Force and has been a life coach for the last fifteen years. He received his doctoral degree with a concentration in psychology and a specialization in leadership from The Union Institute & University. He completed a certificate in Spiritual Guidance from the Rowe Center and one in coaching from the Coach Training Institute.