Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman
Check out Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman’s paid recorded program, Your Future Becoming: A Weekend Online
Intensive, and their article, How Our Future Came Into Being: The Seeds of a New Book.
Activating Your Future Potential
Recorded June 26 2021
You are invited to a free one hour webinar with Jean Houston, who has taught at Rowe for over three decades and is one of our most beloved presenters, and Dr. Anneloes Smitsman. Both are world renowned pioneers in the fields of human development, consciousness research, social artistry, and systems change.
In this webinar, you’ll discover how it is possible to access domains in yourself that for most people remain dormant. Jean and Anneloes will introduce you to some of the elements of a cutting-edge process they’ve developed over decades for safely entering into and awakening these inner domains. They’ve experienced time and again how activating these inner domains provides access to whole new sources of energy and vitality, enhances inspiration and ideas, and ultimately leads to transformative action.
Jean and Anneloes will also tell you more and answer your questions about theirupcoming weekend online intensive on October 22-24 where they will take you much deeper into the process of developing higher states of awakening to transform your life with the power of joy and renewal.

Jean Houston, Ph.D. is an innovative scholar, futurist, and researcher in human capacities, social change, and systemic transformation. She is one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement and one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time. She has been a key player in the empowerment of women around the world, and was awarded the Synergy Superstar Award 2020 by the Source of Synergy Foundation for her exemplary work inspiring us to source our highest human capacities.She has worked intensively in over 40 cultures, lectured in over 100 countries, and worked with major organizations such as UNICEF, UNDP, and NASA, as well as helping global state leaders, leading educational institutions, business organizations, and millions of people to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness. Jean is Chancellor of Meridian University and co-author of the forthcoming book series Future Humans Trilogy with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman.

Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D., LLM, is a visionary scientist, published author, futurist, system architect, and leadership catalyst. She is the founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre. Anneloes has provided training, executive coaching, consultancy, and project development for international clients. She developed the Education for Sustainability program for schools in Mauritius, through which she trained over 300 teachers. Her multi-stakeholder dialogue process was adopted in 2012-2014 in 9 different countries for the UN Rio+20 civil society inputs, and she trained the youth leaders of SIDS (Small Island Developing States) under UNESCO for the 2014 UN SIDS Youth inputs. Anneloes is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and a founding member of the Creative Board of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research. She is an architect and researcher for SEEDS and Hypha for co-developing the Regenerative Renaissance tools, currencies, and systems, and is the lead author of the r3.0 Educational Transformation Blueprint. Anneloes is the co-author of the forthcoming book series Future Humans Trilogy with Jean Houston.